I Don't Know How To Tell You This, but...
...your kid probably isn’t going to be asked to join Mensa. I know, I know. He started reading at age three, knew all the presidents by age four and knew every state capital at age five. Those aren’t markers for intelligence. Many children are prone to read early and even great at memorization, but it doesn’t mean they’ll score a perfect score in reading on the ACT. I know after homeschooling my children for 15 years, each child has strengths and weaknesses. It’s learning how to work around the weaknesses and maximizing the strengths that help them academically. My oldest child learned to read early, was a voracious reader, and had great verbal skills. Then I read where those are often characteristics of first-born females. My second child was a late bloomer who is now finishing up an engineering degree. And my youngest, who has a learning disability, has mastered the art of "learning to learn differently" and has accommodations from her college to help with that. So if your child is reading early, you can simma down and not put her in algebra just yet. Let her be a child. Remember when we were kids we got to play outside and not worry about reaching another notch on our parents’ academic belt? I would much rather a well-rounded child who is considerate, kind, and a hard worker than one who is just academic. And this philosophy of mine applies to athletics. Do you really think your kid is going to the NBA? Do you have really tall genes in your family? Like, really tall? Your kid going to the NFL? DNA has a lot to do with that sport as well. The list goes on and on. Let your kid enjoy elementary school. Let them have one or two activities. Then let them be a kid the rest of the time. They’ll thank you later.
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